Glerrýmið 23. janúar 2024 - 8. mars 2024 , Bókasafn Hafnarfjarðar

Einkasýningar / Solo exhibitions

Einsog í léttum bernskuleik.

Myndefni verkanna er frá bernsku- og unglingsárum Kristbergs. Segja má að um upprifjun og endurvinnslu sé að ræða. Stefnumót sundurleitra myndbrota skapar skemmtilega ringulreið og tengingar sem áhorfandinn getur túlkað að eigin vild, sumpart skáldlegar og heimspekilegar ef vera vill, eða frjálsar eins og í léttum bernskuleik.
Kristbergur var síteiknandi og málandi í bernsku og hefur varðveitt þónokkuð af þeim myndum. Hann kynntist dúkristunni í grunnskóla og fór fljótlega að skera í dúka og þrykkja uppá eigin spýtur heima hjá sér. Dúkplöturnar hefur hann geymt alla tíð síðan.
Í maímánuði 2022 var hann í miðri skissu-og hugmyndavinnu þegar sú hugmynd vaknaði að nú gætu gömlu dúkristurnar komið að góðum notum. Hann fór semsagt að þrykkja af hinum hartnær fimmtíu ára gömlu dúkplötum í skissuvinnunni sem tók þarmeð óvænta stefnu.
Á skömmum tíma þróaðist dálítil myndasería. Fljótlega bættist fleira myndefni í púkkið bæði gamalt og glænýtt. Loks komu ljóðin til sögunnar. Þannig má segja að sum verkin spanni allan feril Kristbergs. Í vinnslu þeirra er ólikum miðlum blandað saman svosem dúkristunum, bleksprautuprenti, texta og málun. Serían er enn í þróun.

As in a childhood game

The visual material of the works is mostly from Kristbergur’s childhood and adolence. It can be said that it is an attempt to review and reprocessing. The juxtaposition of images creates various connections, partly poetic and philosophical but also free like in a childhood game that opens up for the viewer’s interpretation.
Kristbergur was always drawing and painting as a child and has managed to preserve quite a few of those pictures. He learned to do linoleum prints in elementary school and soon started cutting and printing from linoplates on his own at home. He has kept the plates ever since.
In the month of May 2022, Kristbergur was in the middle of sketchworking process when the idea arose that now the old linoplates could be useful. So he began to print from the old plates on the sketches. Sketches soon developed into a small series of works. Soon thereafter more material was added, both old and brand new. Finally, the poems entered. In this way, it can be said that some of the works span Kristberg’s entire career. The series is still in progress. In production, different media are mixed together, such as the original linoplates, inkjet printing, text and painting.
Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

0x0 cm

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper. In private collection.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper. In private collection.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper. In private collection.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper. In private collection.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.

Án titils. Untitled. Mixed media on paper.


Bókasafn Hafnarfjarðar

Bókasafn Hafnarfjarðar

Kristbergur Óðinn Pétursson
Sími: +354 694 8650

Lyngási 7
210 Garðabæ